5 minutes setup instruction

System requirements

Install addon

fin addon install acp

Enable acp in your project

fin acp enable

Setup the acp server

The easiest way to test andock-ci is to create a cloud box on aws or digital ocean etc. with ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.

After that run:

fin acp connect
fin acp server:install
fin acp server:ssh-add "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA ..."

Generate project configuration

fin acp config:generate

This will create some required config files and templates for init, build, test and update hooks.

Build project (optional)

@TODO If you like to build your project and push it to target repository before you check it out on andock-ci server. See

Initialize remote environment

fin acp fin init

Update remote environment

fin acp fin update

Run tests

fin acp fin test

Congratulations, the installation is finished!

Read more:

Example hook configurations:

  1. Drupal